New Year is the perfect and most meaningful time to establish new spiritual practices and routines that will set the tone for the rest of the year. Making time to meditate is a common New Year’s resolution. Our beautiful handmade mala bead sets are the perfect tool for meditation and relaxation, to help you kick start the year with a healthy and optimistic outlook. Our Mala bead sets are made from magnificent crystals produced by Mother Nature and crafted by artisans in Indian villages. If you are ready to start 2023 with peace, joy or more self-confidence, take our quiz to determine which crystals will suit you best. Or, read on to discover our recommendations for the best crystals for the New Year.

Sodalite promotes both clear and rational thinking- what better benefits could there be for the commencing of a New Year! Meditating with sodalite will help you to make good decisions, and to do so with kindness, compassion and joy.
Sodalite brings logic to the forefront, but in a tender and gentle way. Sodalite will help prevent you from being too hard on yourself as you grow and change. It can help you make peace with the past and prepare for the future, encouraging you to believe in the divine essence of your soul.

By the time New Year arrives, so many of us are looking for a clean slate and a fresh start. Clear quartz is the ultimate stone for new beginnings. Clear quartz can clear stagnant energy, dispel dissatisfaction and create calmness and clarity. Clear quartz has been used by ancient and magical civilizations around the world and throughout history. It has been used for healing, mediation and spiritual purposes by ancient peoples from many cultures. Clear Quartz offers purification, holistic healing and awareness- enabling you to open the door for new opportunities in 2023.

In all aspects of our lives, there are cycles. Moonstone helps us to take comfort in the cycles of life, and the ebb and flow of the passing of time. With its ethereal, shimmery quality, moonstone used for meditation can help us evoke the moon’s power. There will be thirteen full moons during 2023, the first of which will occur on Saturday 6 January. Moonstone helps us prepare for change. As change occurs, new beginnings become apparent. As new opportunities emerge, it becomes easier to let go of what is outdated, completed and finished. Moonstone is also a crystal for hopes and wishes. Meditating with it or wearing it will help you understand the differences between what you think you want and what it is you truly need.